Iimperia wow - Wow private server

Lucky Boxes and Coupons

Here is a quick guide on how to use the lucky boxes and the coupons in Imperia-WoW


Click HERE to get Auto Clicker so you can spam the boxes

here is what yo set as a setting so you don't get banned by the anticheat

Start the auto clicker and set a hot key once set use that hot key while pointing with your mouse at the button


Let the Auto Clicker do the job for you.

Recomending using this auto clicker due to been set up on the server not to get banned by using it .

There are commands opening 1000 boxes at a time 

.luckybox1000 - for Lucky Boxes

.rarebox1000 - for Rare Lucky Boxes
.legendarybox1000 - for Legendary Lucky Boxes
.uniquebox1000 - for Unique lucky Boxes

.flawlessbox1000 - for Flawless Lucky Boxes


Do not change the auto clicker speed  use the default speed of the auto clicker or you will get disconnected
