- Updated Patch-4.mpq . Check Here for the new patches.
- Updated Patch-5.mpq . Check Here for the new patches.
- Updated Patch-7.mpq . Check Here for the new patches.
- New Patch-X.mpq . Check Here for the new patches.
- 3 New mounts added. Check the post below for photos.
- Vote items adjusted stats.
- Event items adjusted stats.
- Azeroth god weapons have a berserking aura added on the 2.0 version.
- New login screen with new theme song.
- Adjusted spell and melee dmg of 50% of the classes.
-Removed weekly and monthly quests from the arena cuz they were taking way to long to complere so now there will be only daily 2 diferent quests to have fun with.
- New Upgradable Buffs added to the spell area.
- New questline for the new buffs added.
- Adjustments done on the iliusion weapons now they are account bound as well.
- Adjusted world bosses damages and sustainability.
- Adjusted instance trashmobs damages.
- Reduced damage on the spell area mobs.